Dec 12, 2011

Swarovski Samples from 1965

This Swarovski sample box was a new product to be sold in 1965.
I just couldn't believe when I came across this beautiful little set made a few years before I was born.
Isn't it gorgeous?¿

Esta cajita de muestras de Swarovski tiene fecha de 1965.
No me podia creer cuando he encontrado esta pequeña joya hecha unos cuantos años antes de que naciera.
A que es preciosa?¿ 


  1. Wow! This is a true find! Thanks alot for sharing. This is infact really interesting... I have this link:

    ...saying that Swarovski changed bead article numbers in 4 digit codes in 1968. And I thought that it would apply to rhinestones too. But you got proof it wasn't so. Four number digits were used for rhinestone articles already in 1965! I wonder when exactly did Swarovski changed the article numbers...

    1. Dates in my blog post were based on an also posted email I received directly from Swarovski / Jewellery Components in Austria:

      Oh and yes, this is a reply to a very old comment. I just saw it today.

  2. Always so interesting!
    Thanks for sharing too.
    I just checked the blog you linked and looks very useful!
